Hysteroscopic Septum Resection

A Uterine Septum Can Prevent Pregnancy. we often treat women with infertility caused by structural abnormalities of the uterus, ovaries or abdominal cavity. This means that the shape of the pelvic organs or growths within the uterine cavity can interfere with pregnancy. One of the more common uterine issues that fertility specialist Dr. Asmita Potdar sees is uterine septum.

What is a uterine septum?

A uterine septum is the condition where the uterus has a wedge of extra tissue, called the septum, hanging from the top. This septum can be small or can extend all the way from the top of the uterus to the cervix, functionally dividing the uterus into two cavities.

  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding.
  • Pelvic pain or pressure.
  • Weight gain or an abnormally enlarged abdomen.
  • Pressure on the bladder or bowel.
  • Pain in the back of the legs.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.

What Causes Myoma?

A uterine septum is the condition where the uterus has a wedge of extra tissue, called the septum, hanging from the top. This septum can be small or can extend all the way from the top of the uterus to the cervix, functionally dividing the uterus into two cavities.

What is a uterine septum?

A uterine septum is the condition where the uterus has a wedge of extra tissue, called the septum, hanging from the top. This septum can be small or can extend all the way from the top of the uterus to the cervix, functionally dividing the uterus into two cavities.

How does a uterine septum affect fertility?

The extra tissue that makes up the septum differs from that in the rest of the uterus. In particular, it has poor blood circulation. This means that embryos that land on the septum after fertilization can’t successfully implant in the uterus, or if they do manage to implant, they might fail to develop. In this way, uterine septum can be a cause of infertility or recurrent pregnancy loss.